Thursday, 3 May 2012


Well, I’ve taken the plunge and joined the blogging hordes - the less scary but more opinionated modern version of the Mongols. There are a number of reasons for this blog to exist: I want to stretch some recently underused writing muscles, I want to encourage myself to do more adventures (so I can have more stuff to write about), and also because I demand attention.  So there’s that.

It’s difficult to say what this might contain until I actually knuckle down and write some content, but the over-riding emphasis is going to be on saying YES to more things – those nights you don’t really want to go out, those events which look unusual or scary and those bands or dishes which aren’t really to your taste.  It should be about seizing those little moments when you could try something new instead of falling back on something safe, which applies to pretty much every aspect of life, be it people, events, food, music, art, whatever.  

I guess it’s a way of life I’ve been encouraging for a while, but please don’t get me wrong and think I’m some sort of evangelist life style preacher – this blog is mostly for my own benefit.  Like a Jiminy Cricket Web 2.0 style conscience I hope when I’m offered a YES situation a little voice will crop up: ‘This would be perfect for a blog update’ and BAM, it’s adventure time.  I hope so, anyway.

In the future I hope to write about some of the times that I’ve followed my own advice (very rare occasions, I’m sure you’ll agree) and the book that, for want of a better word, inspired this blog, but for now, I’m going to ignore that above paragraph and play it safe by writing my first real post about what I know. Music.

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